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employed    音标拼音: [ɛmpl'ɔɪd] [ɪmpl'ɔɪd]
pp. 使用


adj 1: having your services engaged for; or having a job
especially one that pays wages or a salary; "most of our
graduates are employed" [ant: {unemployed}]
2: put to use

Employ \Em*ploy"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Employed}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Employing}.] [F. employer, fr. L. implicare to fold into,
infold, involve, implicate, engage; in plicare to fold. See
{Ply}, and cf. {Imply}, {Implicate}.]
1. To inclose; to infold. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

2. To use; to have in service; to cause to be engaged in
doing something; -- often followed by in, about, on, or
upon, and sometimes by to; as:
(a) To make use of, as an instrument, a means, a material,
etc., for a specific purpose; to apply; as, to employ
the pen in writing, bricks in building, words and
phrases in speaking; to employ the mind; to employ
one's energies.
[1913 Webster]

This is a day in which the thoughts . . . ought
to be employed on serious subjects. --Addison.
(b) To occupy; as, to employ time in study.
(c) To have or keep at work; to give employment or
occupation to; to intrust with some duty or behest;
as, to employ a hundred workmen; to employ an envoy.
[1913 Webster]

Jonathan . . . and Jahaziah . . . were employed
about this matter. --Ezra x. 15.
[1913 Webster]

Thy vineyard must employ the sturdy steer
To turn the glebe. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

{To employ one's self}, to apply or devote one's time and
attention; to busy one's self.

Syn: To use; busy; apply; exercise; occupy; engross; engage.
See {Use}.
[1913 Webster]

33 Moby Thesaurus words for "employed":
applied, at it, at work, busy, chartered, engaged, exercised,
exerted, full of business, hard at it, hard at work, hired,
hireling, in harness, leased, let, mercenary, occupied, on duty,
on the go, on the hop, on the job, on the jump, on the move,
on the run, paid, rented, secondhand, subleased, sublet, tied up,
used, working

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