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relations    音标拼音: [ril'eʃənz]
n 1: mutual dealings or connections or communications among
persons or groups [synonym: {relations}, {dealings}]

140 Moby Thesaurus words for "relations":
accord, act of love, addition, adjunct, adultery, affairs,
affiliation, affinity, agnate, alliance, ancestry, aphrodisia,
approximation, ass, assemblage, association, balling, blood,
blood relation, blood relative, bond, carnal knowledge,
circumstances, clansman, climax, closeness, cognate, cohabitation,
coition, coitus, coitus interruptus, collateral,
collateral relative, combination, commerce, concerns,
condition of things, conditions, congress, connectedness,
connection, connections, consanguinean, contiguity, contrariety,
copula, copulation, coupling, dealings, deduction, diddling,
disjunction, distaff side, distant relation, doings, enate, family,
filiation, flesh, flesh and blood, folks, fornication, german,
goings-on, homology, intercourse, intimacy, junction, kin, kindred,
kinfolk, kinnery, kinsfolk, kinsman, kinsmen, kinswoman,
kith and kin, liaison, life, link, linkage, linking, lovemaking,
making it with, march of events, marital relations, marriage act,
mating, matters, meat, mutual attraction, near relation, nearness,
next of kin, onanism, orgasm, ovum, pareunia, people, posterity,
proceedings, procreation, propinquity, proximity, rapport,
relatedness, relation, relationship, relatives, run of things,
screwing, sex, sex act, sexual climax, sexual commerce,
sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relations,
sexual union, sib, sibling, similarity, sleeping with, spear kin,
spear side, sperm, spindle kin, spindle side, state of affairs,
sword side, sympathy, the times, the world, tie, tie-in, tribesman,
union, uterine kin, venery, what happens

RELATIONS, kindred. In its most extensive signification, this term includes
all the kindred of the person spoken of. In a more limited sense, it
signifies those persons who are entitled as next of kin under the statute of
2. A legacy to "relations" generally, or to "relations by blood or
marriage," without enumerating any of them, will, therefore, entitle to a
share, such of the testator's relatives as would be entitled under the
statute of distribution's in the event of intestacy. 1 Madd. Ch. R. 45; 1
Bro. C. C. 33. See the cases referred to under the word Relations, article
3. Relations to either of the parties, even beyond the ninth degree,
have been holden incapable to serve on juries. 3 Chit. Pr. 795, note c.
4. Relationship or affinity is no objection to a witness, unless in the
case of husband and wife. See Witness.

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